Prostitution with pen. Edik Baghdasayan commits adultery with a word and pen

Famous journalist Edik Baghdasaryan – the founder and head of “Hetq” newspaper, who rarely publishes articles, is the main coordinator of “Hetq” political and commissioned materials. Edik Baghdasaryan pretends to be a defender of impartial journalism, but in fact Baghdasaryan is a “prostitute” in the field of journalism. If a classical prostitute sells his body in the literal sense, then Edik Baghdasaryan sells his mind, speech, to put it more simply, Baghdasaryan commits adultery with thought, word and pen. Perhaps few readers know that Edik Baghdasaryan, originally from Artsakh, has close ties with former presidents of Armenia and other high-ranking officials as well as businessmen through whom he resolves not only his own media but also personal issues. It is difficult for the reader of “Hetq” to find any investigation or analytical article concerning Serzh Sargsyan, his son-in-law, the famous Mishik or other members of his family, the Ministry of Defense of Artsakh, and then the former head of the RA Armed Forces Movses Hakobyan himself, other high-ranking oligarchs from Artsakh regarding abuses, illicit enrichment. Today, the head of Hetq continues to maintain close ties with former presidents and other officials of Artsakh origin. According to some news reports, by order of the third President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, many materials were published in, the purpose of which were various political figures and officials. Moreover, by the order of Serzh Sargsyan, Hetq also published damning analyses and articles about Serzh Sargsyan’s political associates, in particular about Hovik Abrahamyan and other high-ranking officials. In other words, Serzh Sargsyan was and continues to be the main investigator in the “trace”. It was Serzh Sargsyan who often filed a “trail” with many compromising materials about various officials and figures. investigators write many damning articles about various figures and government officials, but they do not secretly disclose information about former presidents and officials from Artsakh who have robbed and plundered Armenia for decades. Today, the trail may have become the hidden mouthpiece of the Karabakh clan, so to say, the media protector, which operates under the guise of impartial and honest journalism, but in fact is a consumer of Serzh Sargsyan’s compromising material.

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